Anxiety to a degree is a normal healthy:

The same symptoms that occur when experiencing anxiety may be the same as in many physical medical disorders, however, they can also occur in everyday life quite suddenly for no apparent reason. A trauma, a loss, a life adjustment, a difficult relationship or issues at work and many more everyday difficulties that can occur at any time may trigger anxiety.

Anxiety & Depression:

I believe that long-term repressed anger can be the underlying cause to depression. Anxiety / General Anxiety may appear in the form of many different presentations.  It can be symptomatic of other more serious conditions and exacerbates the symptoms of anxiety. In my experience anxiety can feel very scary.


Anxiety and Mental Health!

This is a field that I have come to know more about due to it being so common today in most people presenting with mental health issues or everyday functioning due to internal or external stress or stressors. Although I have to say that anxiety has become very generalised; and that it is more beneficial to work with the individual as well as the symptom like any negative symptoms that keep repeating. The good news is; that the person is always stronger than the symptoms; it can be about becoming aware of those strengths you have and channeling them to help you with your struggles.

My Practice:

Relaxing therapy

More about anxiety:

I will do my best to explain about anxiety (GAD) in summary below in generic terms as I do not yet know you and your personal situation.  But as mentioned above, you are very welcome to have a FREE PRE-INITIAL PERSONAL ASSESSMENT to learn more about your individual circumstances with anxiety if you want to, and your best pathway forward, whether with me or not.


“GAD is a long-term condition that causes you to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, rather than one specific event.
People with GAD feel anxious most days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt relaxed. As soon as one anxious thought is resolved, another may appear about a different issue.” 


Do you feel for no apparent reason…NERVOUS?… FEARFUL?… DOUBTFUL?… LOW CONFIDENCE?… WORRYSOME?… PANICK ATTACKS?…  TENSE?… PHOBIA?… FEELING PRESSURED?… THOUGHTS RACING?… or other symptoms of what you think maybe anxiety.

Are you experiencing… SWEATY PALMS?… FEELING NAUSEAS?… TUMMY CHURNING… RACING HEART… FAST PULSE or other symptoms of what you think maybe anxiety. 

Anxious confused

…so what is Anxiety like for you?

Anxiety categories:

  •  Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
  •  Phobia Anxiety Disorder.
  •  Panic Disorder.
  •  Social Anxiety/Relationship Anxiety.

It is helpful to know what kind of anxiety you are experiencing in order to determine the right treatment plan for you!  And at the beginning of our work together I would be able to assess and reflect back what kind of anxiety I think you are experiencing.

Anxiety can have both psychological and physical symptoms.  Anxiety disorders can be categorized into 4 categories in my experience:

Anxiety (Health) Management:
Health anxiety has its roots in a person thinking that they are getting unwell, or where everyday symptoms are catastrophized. It can be very distressing to the individual. Even thought the person knows on a rationale level that the symptoms are nothing probably to worry about, the person feels compelled to go to great lengths to convince themselves that everything is fine. This can be exhausting for the individual and interfere with general functioning.

Anxiety (Panic) Management:
Panic attacks can start for many different reasons. The good news is that they can be managed and with time controlled. 

Anxiety (Phobia) Management:
Phobia anxiety in my experience is usually the result of something that is totally unrelated to the phobia itself. However, every phobia is different as is every individual. 

Anxiety (Social) Management:
Crowds, relationships, performance, work, and areas can all be a struggle when a person is experiencing symptoms of social anxiety. It can hold a person back. Working through what your personal difficulties are with regards to social and relationship anxiety can help you to gain insight and tackle the symptoms and thus move forward

1)  Generalised anxiety (where the symptoms are continuous but may come and go to a degree).

2)  Phobia anxiety disorders (where the anxiety is irregular, and happens only in certain circumstances).

3)  Panic disorder (where the anxiety is irregular and unrelated to any particular circumstance, and

4)  Social anxiety or relationship anxiety (where the person, to a larger or lesser degree, struggles with relationships; mostly the relationship with oneself).

“In summary the psychological symptoms and physical symptoms can be some or more of the following:

Psychological arousal:

  • Fearful anticipation.
  • Irritability.
  • Sensitivity to noise.
  • Restlessness.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Worrying thought.

Autonomic arousal:


  • Dry mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Tummy discomfort.
  • Excessive wind.
  • Frequent loose motions.


  • Constriction in chest.
  • Difficulty inhaling.


  • Palpitations.
  • Discomfort in chest.
  • Awareness of missed heart beats.


  • Frequent or urgent micturition (urinate).
  • Failure of erection.
  • Menstrual discomfort.
  • Amenorrhea.

Muscle tension

  • Tremor.
  • Headache.
  • Aching muscles.


  • Dizziness.
  • Tingling in the extremities.
  • Feeling breathless

Sleep disturbance

  • Insomnia.
  • Night terrors.”
  • Above information taken from:  Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry, Part 1, Fourth Edition, 2002.
  •  If you work with me it starts with the FREE PRE-INITIAL ASSESSMENT to firstly help you to make an informed decision about your individual personal therapeutic pathway forward.  Thereafter, if you decide to book a face to face session, I will incorporate a FULL MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT into your first therapeutic session.

You can call me on 07950 906421 or 07704 455944 to arrange your FREE PRE-INITIAL ASSESSMENT with myself, based on over 20 years NHS experience, inpatient, outpatient, community and private practise.  I will be delighted to hear from you, or if I cannot answer when you call,  I will call you back if you leave me a message either voicemail or text.  

The above symptoms can be symptoms of anxiety that can be worked with in therapy although it is a good idea to get physically checked out by a medical professional to rule out any underlying medical condition.

Feel free to call me on 07950 906421 or 07704 455944 to discuss, or contact me on (message me)

See more images of Practice below:

Maggie Bell Counsellor Hypnotherapist


Relaxing therapeutic spaceRelaxing therapeutic space to have therapy…

Relaxing therapy
Therapy Cabin



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