Sleep & Relaxation:

Sleep is a healer.  Losing a few nights sleep may feel distressing, however, long term sleep loss can impact on our emotional, psychological and physical wellbeing.  There are lots of things you can do to help get a healthier nights sleep, however, there are lots of things that probably can be avoided also if you want a good nights sleep.

If there is no reason for you to be losing sleep then maybe its time to refocus yourself to getting the balance right for you.  Anybody can over-estimate how long it takes to get to sleep, how much sleep you have had, and these thoughts can impact on your feelings and start a negative pattern.  As well as sleep, relaxation is key to your well-being.  We do not necessarily have to be in the armchair watching television to feel relaxed.  We can actually learn to feel relaxed even when we have a deadline at work to achieve.

Some stress is good for you, but we all have different levels of stress management.  So what do you do?  Well, maybe you have done some research already, or even read a self help book.  However, if that has not worked then please feel free to take advantage of my complimentary pre-initial telephone assessment, on 07950 906421 or 07744 455944, or e-mail me on  I will be delighted to hear from you and discuss your personal situation further, and help you to decided your therapeutic way forward, with more information (feedback).

Kind Regards

Maggie Bell, Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner