But not everyone is at this time of year.  In actual fact, this time of the year can be very sad for many people for different reasons.  At this time of the year it may even be possible to walk out of a huge department store with Christmas goodies, with glittering lights twinkling, coloured baubles shining, excessive gifts on the shelves beautifully wrapped and ready to go, and more… and then hardly notice the person sitting outside the same store with nowhere to live, not knowing what is for dinner that day, or what morsels may be on offer, and more… what is that all about, I find myself asking myself moreso these days.  There is a fine line is seems between what may appear to be happy or sad from the outside.  For instance, the person leaving the store may very unhappy, whereas the person who has no roof maybe content and happy with the situation.  Again, what is that all about, I find myself asking myself moreso these days.

If any of the above resonates with you, even as a parallel to what you are experiencing, and you want to make sense of it; and discuss then give me a call on 07950 906421.

Tis the season to be jolly